August 27, 2015
INTER RUPT panel, Parallel Practices group show. printed panel, exhibition text and typography
RISD MFA Graphic Design Show 2015, Rhode Island Convention Center.
This panel represents my thesis, and it’s body of works, as it occupies an exhibition space that is shared with the panels of 12 others. To read more about my thesis please click here: INTER RUPT
I also designed the typography for the installation space, which carried over into the printed program, and collaboratively wrote our exhibition text with Amanda Pickens and Viviane Jalil for the intro. The superscript numbers correlated with the number on our panels, to ascribe methods and research areas to each designer. Each number was the placement for each designer in our exhibtion space. For example, I was panel 01. These were also mapped in the printed program:
“During our time at RISD, our individual thesis inquiries have co-existed in parallel practice. These practices make up a whole that shares methods such as iteration02,06 , appropriation05,07,12, abstraction05,08,09, disruption01,03,05,11, and ironic commentary04,06,07,08,10. Our work investigates speculative fictions04,10, communication tools02,03,09,11,13, identity01,08,10,13, geopolitics04,08,10, pop culture07,08,11, consumer culture07,08,10, collaboration01,09, spatiality01,03,13, site01,03,12,and authorship01,06,11,12.
The visual essays herein frame our line of thinking, making evident our connections and adjacencies – highlighting the complexity and fluidity of the field of graphic design today”.
These panels existed in our online presence as well in this site designed my Michael McDermott:
the banner, which is designed for web scrollling and print
the installation:
© 2025 Christina Webb