June 12, 2015
Perifix, 2014
Perifix is a tool that invites users to play with language and typographic form in a screen space. The structure considers peripheral vision, language, spatiality and control. Multiple frames are populated with lists of (English) prefix, root and suffix word segments. Using a touchpad to scroll the content of each frame, or spacebar clicks to instigate chance arrangements like a slot-machine, users can remix content across frames to reveal something new and unexpected. Zooming combines scale with recombining into a form-making experience. This framework can work with varying degrees of source content to generate everything from poetic abstractions to juxtaposed jargon—such as marketing terms that become game pieces of social commentary. Perifix offers endless transitory compositions that can be re-translated into physical space as printed output.
active links (use of touchpad works best, zoom in and out with command + or – and reset size with command 0. Scroll or hit space bar to activate the chance recombinations:
in a second space as prints:
gendered terms link: http://konstrukta.com/word_scrolls_grid.html
© 2024 Christina Webb